
Monday, April 8, 2013

Design Wall Monday-Scrap Basket Surprise Quilt

This has been a UFO for a long time.  Our small group worked through the book Scrap Basket Surprises by Kim Brackett a couple of years ago.  I started almost all of the quilts but couldn’t keep up with finishing one a month.  The blocks were made for this quilt so I sewed them together and now it’s ready for a border.  I wanted to use red but it didn’t look quite right so I’ll have to dig through the stash to find something I like better.  Our group meets this Thursday so I’d like to get it quilted for show and tell.  This is one of my all time favorite books.  There are so many great patterns in it that I could probably spend the rest of my life making these quilts.

scrap basket

To see more great works in progress check out the links at Patchwork Times.


  1. I'm not surprised at how nice your quilt looks -- Kim's scrap basket designs are great!

  2. VERY nice!

    I have been so tempted to try this one next time I've "earned" my 2 done UFOs and get my "treat!"

  3. Hi Rhonda. Rhonda here in Texas. Love the quilt. It's amazing what one can pull out of their UFO things and make something amazing!! Great job!
    It's very windy here and dry...we are hoping for rain soon otherwise I'll be eating dust and picking sand from my teeth.

  4. I love that book too!!! I have a couple earmarked that I'd love to start. My To Do list has grown to astronomical proportions :*D

  5. I LOVE that quilt! I'm going to have to go looking for the book now.


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