
Monday, May 27, 2013

Design Wall Monday: Knowing when to quit

Two weeks ago these blocks were on my design wall and I was trying to decide which way to cut the striped fabric for the inner border (post here).  This week the completed top is on the design wall (back fence actually!) because I decided the top is finished.  The striped fabric didn’t make the cut, nor did the great border fabric I had purchased for this quilt.  Neither one added any pop or interest to the quilt center so I’m leaving them off.  I’ll probably use the stripe for the binding though and save the border fabric for another project.  I’m happy enough with this top and will probably donate it somewhere and whoever receives it will never know of the border dilemmas!  

Check out what’s on other design walls at Patchwork Times.

Athenas Puzzle-top

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  1. The quilt knew best, apparently! Looking wonderful.

  2. Isn't it funny how a quilt can talk! Looks great!

  3. What a beautiful quilt with lovely color choices! It feels so summery!

    -Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  4. It's a great quilt just as it is. Love it!

  5. Love the colors. I didn't know about the border issues and liked just as it is.


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